Karon Whenmouth ITEC, OSM, CIBT, JING, NOHT.
I have run my own successful Holistic Therapy business for over twenty years, and during that time I have become increasingly aware of how the mind, and paricularly memories, impact our physical and emotional wellbeing. With Havening I have finally found a therapy that helps to remove somatic pain conditions linked to a traumatic event, and I am seeing increased improvement with physical recovery and mental healing in my practice.
Having started my working life with horses, as a groom and horse-riding instructor, and continued to ride and compete through-out my life, I have a sound understanding of how our mental health effects our ability to ride, train and compete to the best of our abilities. I have been using the Havening Techniques with great success to support clients with confidence issues and goal setting - watching them improve brings me great joy!
I have also worked with many front line emergency workers, whose work involves multiple traumatic events. The Havening techniques have been incredibly effective at supporting those clients with anxiety, stress, depression and PTSD, therefore enabling them to carry out their roles more efficiently, and with less emotional distress to themselves (and their families)
More recently I have been using the teqniques to support clients with Covid-19 and lockdown related issues.
Havening has been a brilliant addition to my existing qualifications, it has many uses and is so effective at perminantly removing the negative emotions surrounding traumatic events that I now use it regularly, and with fabulous results. My clients like the therapy sessions and are able to use some of the teqniques themselves after a session to continue their personal growth.